We have compiled this list of the most frequently asked air conditioning and heating questions to help our current and prospective clients better. We do our best to keep the list current and accurate, but if you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please feel free to contact us.

  • Can I check on my AC unit before I call for service?

    Yes! One of the first items most air conditioning and heating clients miss is checking their air filters once a month. A handy reminder for us is that when you get your electric bill in the mail, use that as your gauge to change out your air conditioning filter. Secondly, check your circuit breaker before you call for air conditioning service or repair. This common quick fix is the largest source of our emergency service calls. Lastly, an Ely Heating and Cooling Service or Maintenance Agreement might be an additional item to ensure “peace of mind” regarding your air conditioning and heating needs.

  • My electricity bill is almost double the usual amount during the hottest summer months. Can I help develop a more consistent energy bill?

    Absolutely! There are many things that consumers can do to start saving money on their air conditioning and heating costs. First, Ely Heating and Cooling suggest you install a digital thermostat. This small change can help regulate the temperature in your home or business consistently while you aren’t there. Secondly, check to see if your equipment is Energy Star™ certified. This governmental program was designed to help consumers quickly identify products and services that would help them save money and the environment. The Energy Star™ rated air conditioning, and heating systems use up to 40% less electricity than previous models. This translates to huge savings when your electric bill comes around. We help our heating and air conditioning clients save money for years to come without breaking the bank during installation.

  • We just bought our first home. Although new to us, it isn’t exactly new. Where do we start?

    This is a great question! Many first-time home buyers find themselves in the same scenario when it comes to their air conditioning and heating systems. The first place we would suggest all new home buyers begin is with one of our Ely Heating and Cooling Service or Maintenance Agreements. For a low fee, we will ensure that any heating and air conditioning needs you might have will be covered, no matter the cost. This enables you to feel secure in any new home purchase and that you won’t have “buyer’s remorse” when the air conditioner needs a new coil or heating element. Emergency air conditioning repairs are costly. Our Ely Heating and Cooling Maintenance Agreement is the new homeowner’s “Insurance Policy” for unforeseen air conditioning repair costs.

  • My child was diagnosed with severe dust, mold, and pollen allergies. Is there anything I can do to help reduce their risk of an allergic reaction?

    Ely Heating and Cooling offer Air Purification Systems compatible with almost any existing air conditioning system. Air Purification Systems use broadband lighting to kill any organic substance that should try to enter your air conditioning system. The result is fewer bacteria, mold, dust, allergens, and other common triggers that allergy sufferers face through their air conditioning systems. Give Ely Heating and Cooling a call as soon as possible to get one of these affordable solutions installed in your home.

  • It smells like something’s burning when I turn on the heat. Is something wrong with my heating unit?

    During the summer months, dust tends to build up on the heating elements as they’re not in use. Then, when you first turn on the heat, it burns the dust off of the element while the burning smell travels through the air ducts into your house. After a few minutes, the odor should fade – if it doesn’t go away, shut off your unit and call Ely Heating and Cooling for service.

  • I see smoke coming off my outside unit, but it is running fine. Why?

    This happens when your heat pump goes into defrost mode, and the smoke you see is steam melting the frost off the outside coil. This is a sign that your unit is operating properly. If, however, the smoke is dark or you suspect a malfunction, it’s always best to turn off the unit and call Ely Heating and Cooling for service.

  • I turned on the heat, but the unit was blowing cold air.

    It may take a few moments for your unit to warm up and begin heating, similar to how you wait for the water to get hot. If, after several minutes, it’s still blowing cold, you could be low on refrigerant. Call Ely Heating and Cooling for service, and one of our certified technicians can assist you with repairing or replacing your unit.  

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Want to learn more about us? Call 724-833-6676 TODAY! One of our experts will be happy to assist you.

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